
Meet Dr. Lenora Peterson

Dr. Lenora Peterson-Maclin is the official Global Goodwill Certified Ambassador for Corporations for National Volunteer Community Service of Uniting Humanitarians for the UN Embassy. She is the Chief Executive Director for Global of International Alliance Online Honorary Advocate Leadership & People of Choice Program. She is also the Chief Executive Director for Global of International Alliance online Honorary Leadership program. Dr. Peterson-Maclin was officially honored as the Certified Ambassador for the former 44th President of United States of America, President Barack Hussein Obama Volunteers Award Program. Dr. Lenora Peterson-Maclin is a loving wife; a mother of three adult daughters; a grandmother to six beloved grandchildren, three step grandchildren and one great grandson. She is fondly known as a “go-to”, guru and giver, but boldly unveils the lady, the levels, the loyalist!

Chapter 1 - The Wife, Single Mother & Survivor
I grew up in Cleveland Ohio in the sixties. I had five siblings. I was the first born child and also the first born grandchild on my father’s side of the family. Life during this time was considered simple; you could drive without a license and leave your doors unlocked because everyone knew each other. Life in general was easy-going, but life for me was challenging because my parents were young and inexperienced. They simply could not provide real family guidance so I grew up fast.
Chapter 2: The Transition – My Doorway to Destiny
Once my daughters became adults and started building their own lives, I was in a very bad state of mind. I was depressed all the time about everything in my life. I could not sleep and if I did not drink, I had a glass of wine every night before I went to bed. I was even unhappy with my atmosphere and my surroundings. I found it difficult to communicate with anyone. It was not long after that I decided to take a long hard look at my life. I looked in the mirror and I realized I was getting older; I was at the tender, but matured age of 49. It was time for me to let go of everything and step out on faith. However, it’s one thing to talk about faith, but the moment you actually take a step fear kicks in. Matthew 14:30 (NIV), says “But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” Just like Peter, when I first stepped out I found myself sinking. Therefore, I spent days fasting and praying asking God to help me and to use me. The Lord sent an angel to speak to me and after a 30-day fast the answer was revealed. As I began to build my faith, I was able to truly trust God and let go of everything to relocate to Georgia.